HIV mental health

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What do you do when the life you want so desperately to forget collides with the life you've created? You feel.

Submitted on: May 23, 2024
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We all have baggage, we are carrying emotions we weren't meant to carry, and have allowed them to shape our identity!

Submitted on: May 1, 2024
Woman holding an absorbent cotton to her arm after vaccination in a waiting room with other people seated in the background.

The COVID-19 pandemic had particular impacts on women and communities affected by HIV. Learn more about the early months of this global public health crisis – and where we are now.

Submitted on: Apr 22, 2024
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Being a Black woman and wearing the badge of honor of being strong is exhausting to say the least.

Submitted on: Apr 16, 2024
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What was the most impactful were the stories told by each of us living with HIV. It would not have been nearly as successful without our voices.

Submitted on: Apr 1, 2024
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Stigma is deadlier than the disease itself, and the top driver of HIV stigma, in my opinion, is the church.

Submitted on: Feb 2, 2024
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Changing our mindset to use the winter months as literal rest and mental hibernation gives us the emotional and physical strength to emerge as the HIV leaders ... we are in the New Spring.

Submitted on: Jan 25, 2024
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It doesn't have to be perfect to be just right. If not art, some hobby or venture that allows you to be in a moment that is not tied to HIV, or responsibility to anyone but yourself.

Submitted on: Jan 11, 2024
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Sex and intimacy were robbed from me such a long time ago that I've forgotten how beautiful and miraculous my own body as a woman is.

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2023

My name is Nitanita. I’m California-born and raised, 55 years old, Black, single, and have two adult kids and two grandkids. I'm a professional currently working in field of behavioral/mental health...

Submitted on: Nov 20, 2023

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