HIV empowerment


Back in 2006 while I was starting my first year of my Fine Art Degree, I was given the Project Brief: AUTOBIOGRAPHY. This was it, this was the time to disclose my status, this was the time to tell...

Submitted on: Jun 10, 2011

Definitely “ No!”. I carry it and many of its kind every other day and for those that look at it, a few beautiful words is all they may see and maybe for those that have an understanding of HIV, the...

Submitted on: Jun 2, 2011

The big part your Doctor plays in your life! It's like a marriage...if there is no communication or respect , there will be a divorce! or a person being less adherent to your hiv medications..I tried...

Submitted on: May 27, 2011

How could anyone not believe in a higher power? I’m not saying believe what I believe, I’m just saying believe that something greater than ourselves is at work in this world!! I haven’t blogged in a...

Submitted on: May 26, 2011

Isn’t it weird how two words can have so many different connotations and contradictions when used to describe people and things? Let’s start with the word ‘Negative’- not a word that people like to be...

Submitted on: May 24, 2011

A few days ago I was trying to relax after a hectic day when my phone suddenly rang. I love phone calls so you can imagine how fast I rushed to answer it and when I saw the caller ID, I was even more...

Submitted on: May 17, 2011

My name is Joy, I am 32 years old, a mother to a handsome 4 year old boy and HIV positive. I live in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. It all started about 8 years ago when after finishing...

Submitted on: May 12, 2011

Isn’t it weird how we are perceived by others? I went to meet friends for an ‘Andy Warhol’ exhibition the other day; I’ve known them for years and met them through being Positive. I don’t get to see...

Submitted on: Apr 27, 2011

I can’t believe it has been 3 months since I posted. When I first became involved with the AGLM blog I was so nervous, yet so excited to have an outlet for my HIV “junk.” The good part is that after I...

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2011

Hello, It's been a mad 3 months. Moved to a new city, new job and life has been a roller coaster. Meeting new friends, and some old ones too. In a busy life while I am trying to be like everybody else...

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2011

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