HIV empowerment


This month I'm celebrating a rather complex issue...round about this year I was diagnosed with HI Virus and little did I know that my life was about to change. I remember that day like it was...

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2012

“Am divorcing u, I can't live with u anymore” said my husband, whom I married in 2004 (when I was negative and got the virus thru medical negligence – Plz refer to my first blog “ Living with HIV”)...

Submitted on: Jun 20, 2012

Sonya posted a new blog " Let's Applaud Each Other" in Voice from our Allies: Let’s Applaud Each Other Let’s Stand up and Applaud each other …for survival, strength, determination, Purpose, and...

Submitted on: Jun 19, 2012

Let's Stand up and Applaud each other…for survival, strength, determination, Purpose, and Destiny…Now, take a look around you…look to your neighbors on your left and now look to your neighbors on the...

Submitted on: Jun 19, 2012

Hi everyone, We just wanted to share this short clip of a documentary about A Girl Like Me blogger, Maria Mejia, and her advocacy work and use of social media to promote HIV awareness and prevention...

Submitted on: Jun 18, 2012

Please welcome a new contributor to our Voices from our Allies page on A Girl Like Me, Sonya Mallard. Please scroll down to view her first blog " Erasing Stigma 1 Church at a Time", as well as more...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2012

When HIV/AIDS first came out in the public eye, a lot of people of color automatically stigmatized HIV as a gay white disease. So they went around with this notion in their heads that they couldn't...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2012

There were many a times when I often use to sigh and say “Why Me of all people”. What did I do to deserve it? Why should I have to undergo suffering at the cost of others? Worse, why do I have to...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2012

My sister and I recently attended a volunteer training session with a local AIDS Service Organization (ASO). To be honest, before I became positive, I had no idea what an ASO even was! The training...

Submitted on: Jun 1, 2012

Instead of replying to the blogs and blog videos Maria has posted I thought I would share with everyone... I sat down and watched and read some of the blogs Maria has posted and she really struck a...

Submitted on: May 17, 2012

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