HIV diagnosis


My name is Kat and I was diagnosed in March of 2010. For me, what should have been a joyous time, turned out to be the most horrific yet most humbling time of my life. I was pregnant with my twin...

Submitted on: Aug 23, 2011

For me, not anymore!! A few weeks ago, my lovely cousin Jane (not real name) was killed together with her Fiance in a tragic road accident. Jane was in her early 30s, a very hardworking nurse, full of...

Submitted on: Aug 2, 2011

Four years ago today, I gave birth to a wonderful, beautiful, baby boy. That little boy saved my life. I had no idea that I was HIV positive. None. It was a routine test at the OB/GYN that changed my...

Submitted on: Jul 6, 2011

A few days ago I was trying to relax after a hectic day when my phone suddenly rang. I love phone calls so you can imagine how fast I rushed to answer it and when I saw the caller ID, I was even more...

Submitted on: May 17, 2011

In my last blog I wrote about how for the first time, I was feeling sick. This time, I want to talk about the care I received. I went to my family doctor because I thought I had something wrong with...

Submitted on: Apr 25, 2011

I can’t believe it has been 3 months since I posted. When I first became involved with the AGLM blog I was so nervous, yet so excited to have an outlet for my HIV “junk.” The good part is that after I...

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2011

Hello, It's been a mad 3 months. Moved to a new city, new job and life has been a roller coaster. Meeting new friends, and some old ones too. In a busy life while I am trying to be like everybody else...

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2011

I really wanted to write this as everyone I know always comments about how happy I always am, or appear to be, and I tell them that this is not always the case. I do have bad days but I pretty much...

Submitted on: Apr 18, 2011

Becoming HIV Positive really turned my life ‘Upside Down’ and really put things into perspective. Working out what was really important and rationalizing about things that happened and why they happen...

Submitted on: Apr 11, 2011

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