HIV diagnosis


Hello! My name is Monique Howell-Moree. I am a mother of 3 boys and a wife. I currently reside in South Carolina. I am an author of my first book, "Living inside My Skin of Silence" and the founder of...

Submitted on: Nov 3, 2014

In my previous blogs I spoke a lot about what life was like being diagnosed with HIV. I spoke of the shame and guilt I felt along with the shame people placed upon me because of this disease. I hated my fate, I hated the man and I hated me. I stopped living, dreaming and hoping. It wasn't until I began to deal with the issues that impacted the life that led me to HIV that I began to live again.

Submitted on: Oct 21, 2014

I told my son that I am HIV positive. It didn't go quite as I imagined. I had pictured him older and under different circumstances. But the opportunity presented itself and I followed through.

Submitted on: Sep 3, 2014

In the fall of 2001 things really came apart. It was then that I was hospitalized with Pneumocystis Pneumonia and received an AIDS diagnosis. I had 48 t-cells and a host of health problems. When my...

Submitted on: May 6, 2014

My life is immersed in my search for freedom from active addiction through Narcotics Anonymous. Being a drug addict is an additional stigma to being HIV positive. And while I haven't found much...

Submitted on: Apr 30, 2014

Sonya posted a new blog, I Made a Vow... on A Girl Like Me’s Voices from our Allies: Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I...

Submitted on: Apr 10, 2014

Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I stood there begging! Quarantined due to the opportunistic infection, her body was plagued...

Submitted on: Apr 8, 2014

You can call me Dee. I am 50 years old an have a 13 year old adopted son. I was diagnosed in Atlanta on November 1, 1996. I was having severe fatigue and just knew I needed to be tested for HIV. I...

Submitted on: Apr 1, 2014

The summer I was 19. It was fall, 1989. Life was simple living in a small rural community in the eastern United States. I got into a routine. I slept during the day, worked at night. I was looking for...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2014

Sonya posted a new blog, Why the Wait? on A Girl Like Me’s Voices from our Allies: I am so upset about the fact that my friend tested positive 2 months ago, and to date has not seen a doctor! Not to...

Submitted on: Mar 10, 2014

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