HIV depression


What do you know about the truth? Seriously, I'm asking. What's true for you? How do you define truth?

Submitted on: Mar 27, 2019

I talk often about finding the silver lining in the dark times in our lives... ... yet, I am fully aware of how difficult this can be at times.

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2019

In one way or another in various tones from forced to cheer to seriousness, at four out of five of my initial appointments after learning that I had HIV, someone made it a point to tell me that I wasn't going to die.

Submitted on: Mar 15, 2019

Growing up Poz and trying to follow American Society’s guidelines for dating and hooking up has been extremely difficult. The guidelines that we follow as a society in regards to dating and having sex...

Submitted on: Mar 8, 2019

There are things that people may not recognize about me because they've just started getting to know me in the last 8 years

Submitted on: Feb 26, 2019

Days turn into months, months into a year, year into years of public humiliation. How could you? How could you open your mouth to say these things? Who gave you authority? Why me? These are just some...

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2018

My name is Sian Green and I was diagnosed six years ago with HIV. I have two children who I love very unconditionally, and I am from New Orleans, LA. Becoming an HIV/AIDS activist was not second...

Submitted on: Aug 28, 2018

I'm still a very young advocate, having just gotten into HIV advocacy a year and a half ago, but I'm no newbie to depression. As a transgender individual I've lived with deep and debilitating clinical...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2018

Growing up in a small rural North Carolina town, I grew up listening to artists like Sam Cooke. The lyrics from one of his songs describe the hope that my advocacy work is a contribution to change....

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2018

I first heard the Undetectable equals Untransmittable message in 2016 and it changed everything about how I felt about myself. I was diagnosed in June of 2000 so that’s 16 years of living in the dark...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2018

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