HIV conference


This was my first time attending the USCHA conference in DC. This year's theme was "A Love Letter to Black Women".

Submitted on: Sep 22, 2023

MY GIRLS! I can't explain the connection and the happiness I feel when I'm around them. When I share space with them, I feel heard and held and so effortlessly it comes naturally for me to do the same...

Submitted on: Sep 21, 2023

If you are new to advocating, have never been to USCHA, or are interested in learning about HIV, I highly suggest considering your attendance for the coming year!

Submitted on: Sep 18, 2023

It all started a few months ago when CAB (community advisory board) member Samantha Rose Montemayor sent me a message and said, "Marissa, we should be at this event."

Submitted on: Jun 30, 2023

I had the honor of presenting on one of my favorite topics, HIV and Breast/Chestfeeding, at this year's HIV Is Not a Crime Conference. As you may or may not know, I had the privilege of breastfeeding both of my babies for 14 months, each as a woman living with HIV.

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2023

HIV is not a crime, or is it? As of 2022, 35 states have laws that criminalize HIV exposure. Many of these laws are outdated and do not reflect today's scientific evidence. There are four different ways that these laws criminalize HIV.

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2023

I attended the International Workshop on HIV and Women 2023 virtually on February 17-18. I love attending conferences in person, there's nothing like the experience and energy of those in-person...

Submitted on: Mar 3, 2023

It is always a weird feeling when presenting at a conference or workshop. On one hand, I'm excited because of the opportunity to be among people who are passionate like me; and on the other hand, I...

Submitted on: Mar 2, 2023

My lovely people, January is my favourite month. Not only because it is the beginning of a New year where we can start afresh, we also still have the whole year ahead to work on whatever we set our mind to.

Submitted on: Jan 30, 2023

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) conference was held in Tampa, FL in November of this year. The theme for 2022 was EQUITY, COMPASSION & SCIENCE - KEYS TO ENDING THE EPIDEMIC. Tampa was a controversial place to hold this meeting because of the political climate.

Submitted on: Jan 5, 2023

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