HIV blog


This article is cross-posted from's Resource Center on Starting HIV Treatment. I've been HIV positive for 20 years, 10 of them without any HIV meds; and for the last 10 years I have been...

Submitted on: Aug 24, 2011

My name is Kat and I was diagnosed in March of 2010. For me, what should have been a joyous time, turned out to be the most horrific yet most humbling time of my life. I was pregnant with my twin...

Submitted on: Aug 23, 2011

I just read a blog about Ms. Plus America being HIV positive. I must say that I am so proud of her. For starters, I'm both plus size and HIV positive, so It's nice to read about more people like...

Submitted on: Aug 15, 2011

Whatever people say, however they say it….being HIV Positive is a Life Sentence….That is, if you are one of the lucky ones that is in receipt of HIV medication. I didn’t have much choice in the matter...

Submitted on: Aug 3, 2011

For me, not anymore!! A few weeks ago, my lovely cousin Jane (not real name) was killed together with her Fiance in a tragic road accident. Jane was in her early 30s, a very hardworking nurse, full of...

Submitted on: Aug 2, 2011

Although you rarely hear from me, I think of you all every day! My PC is old and it's difficult to use. While so much good work is going on in our behalf, still nothing about NUTRITION! My medical...

Submitted on: Jul 29, 2011

Well, I did it…I started meds. I took my husband with me into the doctor’s office because I knew that I wouldn’t follow through with getting medication if I didn’t have his support. I’m not sure why I...

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2011

I want to be the voices of those that have been discriminated for living with HIV/AIDS or for supporting us! There are stories of people from all over the world that wrote me in my international group...

Submitted on: Jun 13, 2011

Back in 2006 while I was starting my first year of my Fine Art Degree, I was given the Project Brief: AUTOBIOGRAPHY. This was it, this was the time to disclose my status, this was the time to tell...

Submitted on: Jun 10, 2011

"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." Kahlil Gibran In our society we tend to push our senior citizens aside. We forget that they...

Submitted on: Jun 6, 2011

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