HIV blog


I recently read an article about inflammation from, titled: "HIV and Inflammation: A new threat". The article raised my level of concern. If you have a chance please read it, it's an...

Submitted on: Aug 23, 2010

I have been thinking back to when I was diagnosed, almost 19 years ago. I have fooled most people. They look at me and see just another 40 year old. An average healthy adult with kids, bills, a job...

Submitted on: Aug 17, 2010

For the first time, I participated in an AIDS Walk. Honestly, it was a bit surreal. I thought I’d feel very nervous and uncomfortable, but it quite the opposite. I felt at ease. I felt accepted. For...

Submitted on: Aug 2, 2010

Spent time the last few days with girls I went to high school with. I had a great time. Most of them became successful people in business. Some became successful parents and some successful drinkers...

Submitted on: Jul 19, 2010

99.5% of the time I am alright. Maybe even forgetting my so called “situation”. 0.1% I meet everyday when I take my medication. The 0.4% happens in rare occasions like last week. I woke up with a rash...

Submitted on: Jul 9, 2010

I am a 56 year old woman. I've raised two daughters mostly on my own. I teach Art at a local high school. My status is a secret as I'm certain the school district would find a way to release me from...

Submitted on: Jul 1, 2010

People who are HIV positive have had a long history of playing the HIV ‘waiting game’ When HIV was first discovered, we all waited for treatment. We waited for medications, anything that would help...

Submitted on: Jun 29, 2010

I acquired HIV in 1985 from my fiancé who use to shoot dope as a teen in New York. What a gift he gave me. I spent the next few years in a drunken, coked out haze of parties and hangovers. I made a...

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2010

Sometimes, I feel like I’m living a lie. I live my “picture-perfect” life with my house in the suburbs, husband, child and career. Meanwhile, I’m fighting an inner battle, an even bigger battle than...

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2010

Things are busy lately around my house. We are getting ready to move in 2 weeks. I feel this is the best move for our family. You are all in my thoughts. I am getting ready to participate in some of...

Submitted on: Jun 17, 2010

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