HIV awareness

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All my love for you Job Corps; I've been meaning to write this blog for years!

Submitted on: Aug 8, 2024
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I am Kimberly June Skeete. My pronouns are She/Her. As a Black Trans Woman, I move through the world with unapologetic positivity, authenticity, and queerness. My diagnosis was the catalyst for discovering my strength.

Submitted on: Aug 6, 2024
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I can honestly say I'm the most respected and hated person in a mile radius. Outreach is my passion since experiencing very traumatic events throughout my diagnosis of being HIV positive.

Submitted on: Aug 6, 2024
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My lovely people, I promised to share my learning from AIDS 2024 in Munich with you. The two days I spent at the Global Village were quite fruitful as an activist.

Submitted on: Aug 5, 2024
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I had this image in my head of what advocacy should look like, and I often would compare the work I do, or lack there of, when it comes to how I show up for our HIV Community. What I learned is that there's no right or wrong way to advocate.

Submitted on: Jul 31, 2024
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Every moment in life, no matter how beautiful or horrific, can be silver. A glimmer. That's like faith.

Submitted on: Jul 25, 2024
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I thank God because now there are so many places where they support us—people with HIV. The workshops they offer and the tools they provide, give us a chance to lead a normal life.

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2024
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The tracks leave uncertainty cruelty and shame. The devil lied, it's part of his game. Fear the Lord and find your space. I'm not falling apart I'm falling into place.

Submitted on: Jul 23, 2024
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Are you talented and never let HIV stigma stand in your way? We are looking for talents to share their experience during World AIDS day on the 1st of December 2024.

Submitted on: Jul 19, 2024
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I'm never beat until I quit trying. It's been a week in my motel. No abuse, no drugs, I am climbing my way out of depression and being grateful for all I have.

Submitted on: Jul 12, 2024

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