HIV aging

Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

Surviving HIV Over the Long Term: The Past, Present, and the Future (Part 1 of 2) is the 4th webinar in the 2016 WATCH! series.

Submitted on: Oct 28, 2016

God has always been my caretaker. And my faith has never been challenged.

Submitted on: Sep 30, 2016

I was born in 1957 in a small Northern California town, farming country with a Mom and Dad, two brothers and a sister. I knew at an early age I wanted out of my small and wanted more for my life than just getting married and settling down.

Submitted on: Apr 8, 2015

Who will teach the nursing home staff that HIV infected elders are not terrible dirty people? Who will teach them, educate them and instill some compassion and kindness into them? How will we be...

Submitted on: Jul 14, 2014

Being HIV+ is one thing, doing it as a single hetero female is quite another. I find myself alone, wondering if I will ever find that compatible, understanding human being who is either a saint or...

Submitted on: Apr 23, 2014

I am in the process of changing HIV doctors. I am going back to the MD that I initially saw when I moved back to Missouri but at that time I was abusing prescription drugs and he saw right through me...

Submitted on: Apr 4, 2014

I try to write very positive things on my blog. I figure that I can reach out to others to let them know that we can live our dreams. I really never talk about my issues and concerns. I do have...

Submitted on: Sep 8, 2013

"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." Kahlil Gibran In our society we tend to push our senior citizens aside. We forget that they...

Submitted on: Jun 6, 2011

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