HIV advocacy


Devil, you can't do nothing to stop me, discourage me, hinder me, or taint my testimony!!!!!!! I know you a dirty fighter so you finna throw everything at me that you can just so you can try to say...

Submitted on: Jan 24, 2013

I am excited and very hopeful! Estoy feliz y con mucha esperanza.   Watch video on YouTube:   Love and light, Maria Mejia

Submitted on: Jan 4, 2013

Yeah, I'm singing it like Usher. I've questioned where I was going and wondered if I heard God right--or at all, for that matter. Wondered why HE wanted me to tell my testimony and why HE wanted me to...

Submitted on: Jan 2, 2013

As I think back on the joys, struggles, lessons, and triumphs of 2012 I can’t help but think about who and what I was ten short years ago. 2012 marked a decade of living positively with an AIDS...

Submitted on: Dec 31, 2012

Why is HIV/AIDS considered one of the most dreaded infections that exist? Not only other people fear us, but we begin fearing ourselves-- What if we spread this disease to somebody else? We would...

Submitted on: Dec 11, 2012

Indian Law, like all other laws, strongly protect and safeguard our rights as an individual. To disclose or not to disclose solely lies on us. But given the Indian conservative and orthodox values...

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2012

I remember when I was first diagnosed. I was court ordered to go to rehab. It was either that or face jail time. I didn’t want to be there and just wanted to do my nine months, graduate and leave. I...

Submitted on: Dec 5, 2012

I am a Latina, HIV positive, a lesbian and a woman! 4 strikes against me ..but I am not out! Many know the struggles that we go through if we have any of these categories with stigma and...

Submitted on: Dec 4, 2012

In observance of World AIDS Day 2012, we asked A Girl Like Me bloggers, "What is the one thing about HIV that you’ve learned or experienced this year that has made a difference in your life and would...

Submitted on: Nov 29, 2012

This is my message to the whole world and what world AIDS day means to me. I also talk about some of the highlights and accomplishments of this year in regards to HIV/AIDS. Mi mensaje para el mundo...

Submitted on: Nov 29, 2012

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