HIV advocacy


Well, I’m still married (I thought you needed to know that after my last blog). Honestly, things are going better. While not great, definitely much better. It’s difficult to explain, but when I ‘think...

Submitted on: Feb 12, 2013

I made this to help give someone the courage to know that they can get out and do better. Just because you have made mistakes, doesn't mean you are a mistake.

Submitted on: Feb 6, 2013

  What is a resolution? The dictionary says: 1. a decision or determination; a resolve: to make a firm resolution to do something. This seems simple enough right? So I browsed the internet to find out...

Submitted on: Feb 5, 2013

Tiffany posted a new blog When a hero has no answers on A Girl Like Me’s “Voices from our Allies” page:   I just attended a screening of the Oscar nominated documentary, “ How to Survive A Plague.” **...

Submitted on: Feb 4, 2013

I just attended a screening of the Oscar nominated documentary, " How to Survive A Plague." ***Spoiler alert I went into the screening fully expecting to be pissed that it was not a complete...

Submitted on: Feb 4, 2013

When I look in the mirror, I hate everything about you. You are fat and ugly! You've got pimples all over your face and your teeth are crooked. Nobody is going to want you. Ha-ha! They're talking...

Submitted on: Jan 30, 2013

I have tried. I might not have tried hard enough. But really, what is hard enough? I have gone and filled out the application to volunteer at the local AIDS service center many times, with no reply. I...

Submitted on: Jan 29, 2013

What is supposed to be the most exciting time in a young person’s life became my worst nightmare. As I packed my bags for my high school Senior trip to Walt Disney World, my mother called my younger...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2013

Devil, you can't do nothing to stop me, discourage me, hinder me, or taint my testimony!!!!!!! I know you a dirty fighter so you finna throw everything at me that you can just so you can try to say...

Submitted on: Jan 24, 2013

I am excited and very hopeful! Estoy feliz y con mucha esperanza.   Watch video on YouTube:   Love and light, Maria Mejia

Submitted on: Jan 4, 2013

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