HIV advocacy


When I was little I loved the color pink. I was so small for my age I still wore toddler sizes in first grade. I liked Dora the Explorer and Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus). I wanted to wear dresses all...

Submitted on: Aug 14, 2015

August 1st will be my 25th anniversary of positively living with HIV! It hasn't always been a positive experience but I can now say I am very happy with my positive status.

Submitted on: Aug 5, 2015

I am quoting good friend Dr. Ben Young (Chief medical officer IAPAC) "HIV medications prevent disease, death and new infections. So how does your country do with access and guidelines to HIV...

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2015

Hello, my name is... Ieshia Scott. There are several dots NOT because I didn't want to use my name but because I was hesitant due to the many people who are NOT prepared for this day. There are many...

Submitted on: Jul 22, 2015

It's time to say it: in one area, we HIV/AIDS activists have caused more harm than good. I am proud to be one of the few Ugandans to say publicly that I am living positively with HIV. But, in the...

Submitted on: Jul 21, 2015

As a person living with HIV, I feel it is absolutely vital to my mental wellbeing to be around likeminded people who share with me the hurts and struggles due to fear and stigma attached to having a...

Submitted on: Jul 9, 2015

I perfectly recall all that was said by the people around me. My Mother: Promise me that you will never have an operation or have anything cut off…you really must promise me that!! My Father: What would my Mother, your Grandmother, say if she were still alive for God's sake! And to think that you were her special favorite!

Submitted on: Jun 30, 2015

Sometime ago a young man was sent to see me in my office. I meet with him, he was looking so depressed and frustrated I asked how I may help him. He then told me that he suspects that he is infected...

Submitted on: Jun 25, 2015

I was invited to attend the Saving Ourselves Symposium in Memphis, Tennessee this past weekend from June 4-7. I made a promise to myself that before I wrote about the experience, I would calm down first.

Submitted on: Jun 11, 2015

HIV has opened me up to so many people, places, prejudices, and misconceptions while completely shutting me off from the rest of the world. HIV had me convinced that no one would love or care about me. I would always be stuck in poverty, lack, doubt and hatred. I was a victim of self-induced stigma.

Submitted on: Jun 5, 2015

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