HIV advocacy

Close-up of Bridgette Picou in nurse garb with stethoscope over shoulders and mask hanging from ear.

The Well Project interviews Bridgette Picou, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger, for our "Spotlight: Women Making a Difference" series.

Submitted on: Aug 12, 2021

As an African artist living with HIV in the Netherlands for more than 15 years now, I continue to experience a lot of stigma and discrimination based on me being open about my HIV and my beautiful...

Submitted on: Jul 28, 2021

I have a least favorite question when it comes to HIV. It annoys me. It didn't always, but over time due to folks' reactions and overheard statements, it gets on my damn nerves. "May I ask you...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2021
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Most of us long term survivors living with HIV virus are not doctors or nurses, but have impacted and helped improve the wellbeing of newly diagnosed persons. Fifteen years ago, a neighbour came to my...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2021
Women's Research Initiative logo: Letters W, R, I.

The WRI 2021 Virtual meeting assessed the current US policy landscape as it relates to women and HIV.

Submitted on: Jun 22, 2021

Hi all, as an aging member of our community I have seen and dealt with a lot of issues. Yesterday during a group conference call regarding health and aging with HIV, I learned that a drug I took for...

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2021

I've had this virus nearly 11 years now and not long after diagnosis, I made it public. I'm sure a lot of those reading can relate and understand my frustration.

Submitted on: May 30, 2021

Do you struggle with self-confidence? I know I do. It usually doesn't matter how good or even trained I am at something, I'm still always doubtful of my abilities to do the best job, or sometimes even...

Submitted on: May 25, 2021
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I have been HIV positive since 2016, almost five years. When I thought about sharing my story and status publicly, I knew I would eventually attend conferences where I could meet many other amazing women living openly with the condition.

Submitted on: May 11, 2021

Even when it comes to HIV and tattoos the messages are pretty mixed. Can people with HIV get tattoos? Is there a risk to a tattoo artist in inking someone who's HIV positive? Does a tattoo heal...

Submitted on: May 4, 2021

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