HIV activist


Have you ever wondered what it's like to be transgender? Living with HIV? In the rural South? Each of these issues alone can be challenging. Together, they are my reality—and it's crucial for...

Submitted on: Sep 29, 2021

[Content warning: multiple sudden deaths, including a stillbirth]​ I am traumatized! I have been living in fear and my heart is so full of anxiety for no particular reason! I don't even know where to begin. The past weeks have been a very challenging and traumatizing time for me and my family.

Submitted on: Sep 28, 2021

Didn't you always know that there were ways to call desserts vegetables? One day I explored ways to use zucchini and found Zucchini Brownies! This was an easy recipe that turned out so yummy, and yes...

Submitted on: Sep 15, 2021

Come join my group in Facebook! I am so proud of this group that I founded around 12 years ago! It started with like 100 people and it's international and it's in English. ❤️ I also created one in Spanish for all Latin America and Spain.

Submitted on: Sep 8, 2021

Whilst we are nearing the end of a rainy summer, I would like to reflect on my summer time. It was actually very enjoyable no matter how I look at it! It started excellent by hearing news from my...

Submitted on: Aug 26, 2021

The day my mother announced that she had been diagnosed with AIDS, my entire world shifted. Through tear-filled eyes, she explained that she contracted the illness from her recently deceased ex-fiance...

Submitted on: Aug 20, 2021

As an African artist living with HIV in the Netherlands for more than 15 years now, I continue to experience a lot of stigma and discrimination based on me being open about my HIV and my beautiful...

Submitted on: Jul 28, 2021
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Most of us long term survivors living with HIV virus are not doctors or nurses, but have impacted and helped improve the wellbeing of newly diagnosed persons. Fifteen years ago, a neighbour came to my...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2021

My lovely people, can you explain to me why white people coming to Africa are quickly called "experts", but people of African descent in Europe are often called "refugees, migrants, or illegals"...

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2021
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I have been HIV positive since 2016, almost five years. When I thought about sharing my story and status publicly, I knew I would eventually attend conferences where I could meet many other amazing women living openly with the condition.

Submitted on: May 11, 2021

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