HIV activist


I want to start by saying I am not a doctor or a scientist! I speak from my own experience as many of you know! I have been positive for 20 years, and I decided not to be on medication for the first...

Submitted on: May 16, 2011

I remember my first memory at the age of three, unlike some children that have wonderful memories of their childhood mine was a very traumatic one! I was molested by a family member at such a young...

Submitted on: Apr 26, 2011

Becoming HIV Positive really turned my life ‘Upside Down’ and really put things into perspective. Working out what was really important and rationalizing about things that happened and why they happen...

Submitted on: Apr 11, 2011

Once again my blog will be about something that happened in my Facebook. I have the name there 'MariaHIV'. I created that name not because I am HIV, but because I wanted to attract people to by...

Submitted on: Apr 6, 2011

Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV/ have someone who loves you for you and can see past the illness, that is if they are negative..I am very blessed...

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2011

Well, well, well. Where the hell do I start??? I am going to try to be as nice and sweet as possible! I had to give myself a day to write this. It started as another thing I posted on my facebook HIV...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2011

I am ready to show my face for many reasons! After the cycles that we go through with HIV/AIDS...the denial, realizing I was not dying after all...came the shame and hiding. I also started with the...

Submitted on: Jan 26, 2011

I was just turning 18 when I found out I was HIV positive...I was very young. Back in those days, this was a death sentence. It was around the same time Magic Johnson came out saying he was positive...

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2010

I lost a friend last week; someone, like me, who battled HIV and other illnesses for a very long time. He was an amazing person who was there when you needed him. He never complained of his own...

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2010

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