HIV activist


I am A Positive Woman: Till there is a cure I will always be...

Submitted on: Aug 12, 2016

As I continue to learn myself, I continue to grow as an individual thus becoming more available as an advocate for HIV. I was picking and choosing the people I would be honest with and whom I would...

Submitted on: Aug 10, 2016

It's great to be here. I been thinking there is so much to share. Instead today I want to share what I have been chasing. And what I have been chasing is we all have the tools in us all as Positive...

Submitted on: Aug 3, 2016

A very real conversation with my mother and aunt about HIV and how they dealt with my disclosure, stigma and the death sentence HIV was in those times...

Submitted on: Aug 1, 2016

As far as my advocacy is concerned, I firmly believe there is no big I and little You. I recently attended the Desiree Alliance Conference in New Orleans, LA from July 10-14 although the conference officially ended on July 15.

Submitted on: Jul 27, 2016

On July 20th, 2016, I had my first meeting with Senator Lindsey Graham's staff. This meeting was to request more funding, so we can end HIV/AIDS here in South Carolina and around the world. When I say...

Submitted on: Jul 27, 2016

Life is a home work and I have a diary to prove it. Welcome to the Age of Diaries. The biggest talk at the AIDS Conference 2016 is working towards building young leaders. Building young leaders could...

Submitted on: Jul 27, 2016

I began serving on my local Community Advisory Board for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) site at The Ohio State University a couple of years ago. This gave me a greater understanding of the HIV...

Submitted on: Jul 20, 2016
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The International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) has officially begun in Durban, South Africa.

Submitted on: Jul 19, 2016

I am so excited to introduce myself to the community of A Girl Like Me. My name is Angel Stetson. I am 45 years old.

Submitted on: Jul 12, 2016

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