HIV activist


I dunno. Yay February!?! These short 28 days of Black History! A time when the world tries to act like they actually give a damn about Black people.

Submitted on: Feb 11, 2021

According to the CDC, in 2018, Black/African American people accounted for 13% of the US population but 42% (16,002) of the 37,968 new HIV diagnoses in the United States and dependent areas.

Submitted on: Feb 6, 2021

Those who have been following The Well Project know that it was founded by a woman, run by a team of women, for women worldwide. Its motto also reads: "Together, we can change the course of epidemic -...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2021

As everyone who already follows me knows, my perspective on contracting the virus is really different from someone who may not have been living with it for their entire lives. Being that I don't know a life without HIV, my perspective may be a bit unorthodox.

Submitted on: Dec 21, 2020

U equals U is a scientific fact, The studies are clear, the science exact, It changes the lives of those who know, It reduces stigma and helps them grow, It's wonderful to know that you can not transmit, And all need to hear for everyone's benefit

Submitted on: Dec 15, 2020

First and foremost, I would like to say that my team did a phenomenal job in organizing and hosting this workshop, and I am extremely proud to work for such a prestigious agency that is doing such...

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2020

Yesterday as we celebrated World AIDS Day, I reflected a little bit on my own journey of having HIV living with me. I have been HIV positive for 5 years. I have been undetectable since I began...

Submitted on: Dec 2, 2020

It is 1 December, WORLD AIDS DAY, and this year's theme is "Global solidarity, resilient services". The world has known a rough year because of covid-19. And this has sometimes made us forget about...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2020

You know life can be so heart-wrenching difficult. In my most recent days I've had to look at life from a new lens.

Submitted on: Nov 16, 2020

I am born dark brown although many people prefer to call my colour black. OK, then I am black! Do you have a problem with that? It's shocking how ignorant people remain about racism! In a week I...

Submitted on: Nov 10, 2020

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