A Girl Like Me


Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV / AIDS ... to have someone who loves you and can see you beyond the disease

Submitted on: May 18, 2016

The Well Project interviews Ieshia Scott, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger, for our "Spotlight: Women Making a Difference" series.

Submitted on: May 14, 2016

Disclosing your status is very important. The laws in different states can be very tough when you don’t disclose to your partner.

Submitted on: May 12, 2016

During the months between March to May, prom in many states is happening!! The young girls are all excited! Shopping around for their gown, deciding what hair style they want, nails, shoes, etc. It’s...

Submitted on: May 3, 2016

Hey, I'm Mandy, 32 year old from Charleston,SC. I was Diagnosed on August 28, 2015. I would like to share my story of how I became HIV positive. I met a guy online off one of the dating sites and we...

Submitted on: May 3, 2016

Never be afraid of your voice. We all have the right to exercise our voice!! Your voice does matter! I once was afraid to speak publicly about issues, policies, laws when it came to HIV. However once...

Submitted on: May 1, 2016

I had a patient the other day that came in who has a history of seizures. Her daughter for whatever reason took her medication that can help prevent seizures from her. It also happens to be an anti...

Submitted on: Apr 29, 2016

Knowing when and how to answer questions regarding your status is hard, especially when they're coming from our children. Giving the correct information is key, while keeping it age appropriate will...

Submitted on: Apr 12, 2016

Spring is truly in the Air! New Beginnings! Rebirth Positivity and Hope!

Submitted on: Apr 7, 2016

People are perishing because of lack on knowledge. Well just to touch base I have started my fourth cycle of treatment and had my bloods done about a week ago I went from 52388 to 99 where viral load...

Submitted on: Mar 25, 2016

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