A Girl Like Me


As an African woman, having a white Dutch husband and mixed kids, I want to share my experience towards Black Lives Matter. In 13 years in the Netherlands, I have come across many facets of...

Submitted on: Jun 8, 2020

Growing up in Paterson New Jersey where the population is predominantly Black, it was inevitable that I would share space with an individual who identified as black. However here there was never a question of separation. Black, Hispanic or white it didn't matter; we were all in the struggle together.

Submitted on: Jun 8, 2020

I can still remember turning 18 years old and all the excitement of becoming an adult. I was excited yet humbled and frightened. I had the power to make my own decisions and step out of the rule of my...

Submitted on: May 26, 2020

One early evening around eightish. Hell has broken the front door, kicked and damaged yet a whirl; a smile hangs on her heart.

Submitted on: May 21, 2020

Hey all! Firstly- let me just say that I am so incredibly grateful to be part of such a strong and supportive group of women... thank you so much for having me here.

Submitted on: May 11, 2020

On March 9, 2020 I landed in Atlanta, flying in from New Orleans. I'd heard about the coronavirus, but it was something far removed from me. In the Lyft on the way to my hotel I opened my news app...

Submitted on: May 11, 2020

Before we even heard of COVID-19, people living with HIV or AIDS were already facing stigma and discrimination as I experienced and shared with you regularly with healthcare providers throughout the...

Submitted on: May 8, 2020

I forget to cry sometimes. I forget how. Is it really forgetting if I shove it from my mind?

Submitted on: May 4, 2020

You tremble....and look for a place to sit or lie down lest you fall.

Submitted on: Apr 24, 2020

Losing a loved one is never easy, but losing a loved one during this covid pandemic is not something I ever thought I'd have to go through. Much like my HIV diagnosis, I didn't think it could happen to me.

Submitted on: Apr 22, 2020

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