A Girl Like Me


I was making tacos last night (I make amazing tacos by the way), and I had the thought that I wished I was making them for someone else. Cooking for someone else. Almost simultaneously realized how lonely I am. It hurt my damn feelings.

Submitted on: Oct 1, 2020

I have not known a life without HIV. In the era of U=U and PrEP, I feel myself navigating the stigma of HIV at an increased volume. The more people living with HIV attempt to escape the stigmas...

Submitted on: Sep 14, 2020

To be a warrior, there is no need to be in a war of guns and fight until you win. I have been in many different wars with and without gunfire. I am still fighting one long war, which I call the "STIGMA WAR".

Submitted on: Sep 8, 2020

Can we just talk about The Well Project for a moment?

Submitted on: Aug 20, 2020
Heather O'Connor in hospital bed, smiling, holding newborn baby on her chest.

The Well Project asked A Girl Like Me blogger Heather O'Connor about breastfeeding as a woman living with HIV in the United States.

Submitted on: Aug 18, 2020

It has been while and I would like to check on how you have been doing. It says that life is like a disco ball, no matter how the music changes, you just keep on dancing.

Submitted on: Aug 17, 2020

It's been a while since I've written anything. I've just been so caught up with life these last four months, just like I'm sure you all have been as well. I count my blessings every day knowing that...

Submitted on: Jul 23, 2020

To you, all my Amazons! You impact lives and motivate others around you; you all are awesome! Attending different sessions of this series has impacted me in every area of my life during this trying...

Submitted on: Jul 22, 2020

As a woman living with HIV since 2003, I dream of a world that is free from HIV stigma, where people with HIV can express themselves with confidence.

Submitted on: Jul 22, 2020

It has been seven years since I have blogged with you, my sisters. I had no idea it had been so long. In part, I think it's "ok". No need to judge myself about my absence, but rather perhaps...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2020

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