Infant Feeding and HIV

Breast/chestfeeding is considered the healthiest infant-feeding option for the general population. The Well Project has grown to be a leading provider of evidence-based, community-centered information to support parents living with HIV in their infant-feeding decision-making.


I don't know what came over me. Here I am, an unsure, brand new mom living with HIV, holding my newly born baby in my arms, and something kept telling me, "Just do it. Just tell them." The nurse asked me if I needed anything else before she left. Here's my chance. "The risk of HIV transmission from...

Physician Lealah Pollock, M.D., and advocate Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin explain how recent changes to U.S. perinatal HIV guidelines reveal an important shift in how we fundamentally approach the clinician-patient relationship with pregnant and infant-feeding people who are living with HIV.

Deciding how to feed your infant can be confusing for parents living with HIV. Read about the options for nourishing a baby when the birthing parent is living with HIV.

Overall, the International Workshop on HIV & Women 2023 was a fantastic opportunity to meet so many other advocates and stakeholders from across the world whose work I have only had a chance to admire from online.

Copresented by The Well Project and the National Perinatal HIV Hotline, this annual roundtable geared for providers welcomed anyone with an interest in the topic to the 2022 event.

Changes Recommend Shared Decision-making Between Providers and Parents Living with HIV and Support for Parents who Choose to Breast/Chestfeed

Hearts and Minds of The Well Project is a storytelling project that shines a spotlight on some of the extraordinary individuals who have been instrumental over the past 20 years in making The Well Project the organization it is today.

The Well Project presented an e-poster, Amplifying the Voices and Experiences of Parents Living with HIV around Breast/Chestfeeding, at AIDS 2022 in Montreal, Canada on July 29 – August 2, 2022, which sought to present information in a way that a broad range of audiences looking for information on infant feeding choices could access.

Are you stupid? Or are you dumb? What in the hell would possess you to breastfeed a new, precious, innocent life? Do you hate her or something?

In honor of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2021, check out this informative discussion between two mothers about their personal experiences and work around informed infant feeding decisions for parents with HIV.

Parents with HIV in the US and Canada must have access to information, support, and tools to make informed infant-feeding decisions. Sign on to a statement promoting progress on this issue.

The Well Project asked A Girl Like Me blogger Heather O'Connor about breastfeeding as a woman living with HIV in the United States.

I talk often about finding the silver lining in the dark times in our lives... ... yet, I am fully aware of how difficult this can be at times.

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