A Girl Like Me in the News

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin, Aryah Lester, and Kim Canady, along with details for event.

Some women may feel that their dating and sexual lives are over once they receive a positive HIV diagnosis and this does not have to be true! Listen to this exciting conversation as these women navigate positive sexual health while living with HIV.

Listen to three women living with HIV as they cover topics including the dramatic impact of HIV treatment, important social issues that don't always get enough attention in the conversation around HIV/AIDS, and what aging truly means to them.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin, Ieshia Scott, and Destiny Smith, along with details for the event.

This discussion highlights how three mothers have managed their HIV diagnoses while parenting, how they talk to their children about HIV, and tips they have for other parents living with HIV.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Heather O'Connor, along with details for event.

In honor of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2021, check out this informative discussion between two mothers about their personal experiences and work around informed infant feeding decisions for parents with HIV.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Masonia Traylor, along with details for event.

Watch two powerful advocates dispel the myths and misinformation that continue today despite decades of science and evidence proving that women living with HIV can have healthy pregnancies.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Katie Willingham, along with details for event.

Listen to two amazing leaders living with HIV talk about what U=U means to them and the impact that learning about it has had on their lives.

Pieces of pictures of people highlighted in article with the words "Fighting for our lives".

For many who have had their lives irrevocably changed by HIV, COVID-19 has been particularly challenging. HIV survivors, including several members of The Well Project's community, spoke with TIME Magazine about their experiences with both pandemics.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Gina Brown, along with details for event.

Listen to two inspiring women living with HIV discussing personal experience with the COVID-19 vaccine, clinical trials, vaccine hesitancy, and more.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Marissa Gonzalez, along with details for event.

Listen as two phenomenal leaders describe their personal experiences with disclosure along their journeys living with HIV, offer tips for others, and discuss challenges they have faced.

Porchia Dees, Vickie Lynn, Maria Mejia, and Ieshia Scott, along with details for event.

The premiere episode of A Girl Like Me LIVE featured an important conversation among four women long-term HIV survivors in honor of HIV Long-Term Survivors' Day and the 40th anniversary of HIV – both on June 5, 2021.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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Ilustración 3D de virus y glóbulos rojos.
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