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The day I was diagnosed will forever live in my heart. My sister and my mother were the first people that I told and there reaction is why I feel so alone even in a room of people. The first...

The day I was diagnosed will forever live in my heart. My sister and my mother were the first people that I told and there reaction is why I feel so alone even in a room of people. The first...

By now I’m sure we’ve all seen the news about the Supreme Court ruling allowing the transgender military ban to take effect, a policy imposed on America by the trump administration via tweet in July 2017. To read this blog...

Join PWN-USA on Thursday, January 31, at 5pm EST/2pm PST for the Ending Criminalization webinar and register here. Positive Women's Network - USA is thrilled to kick off the new year with the first installment of our 6-part webinar series...

Join #PWNCares on Feb. 14 at 4pm EST for the launch of #PWNCares: Dating with HIV and a live conversation! Register here. #PWNCares is an innovative, interactive multimedia series by and for women living with HIV, including women of trans...

Are you a women living with HIV who would like to receive a handmade valentine for Valentine's Day? To receive a handmade valentine, please email your name and mailing address to by January 31, 2019. Visual AIDS, Positive Women's...

Apply now for the Point Foundation LGBTQ Scholarship Fund Applications must be submitted by January 28, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Who is eligible to apply for the scholarship? Point Foundation considers many factors when assessing scholarship applicants, including: A...

I had a situation that happened a few years ago that I don't think I've quite healed from. So, I got invited to speak to a group of girls about my experience living with HIV. I love these types of...

Distance brought upon by ignorance and privilege. I read, I research and yet I find myself surrounded by those I trust. I still cannot get past how much worry and fear entangle in the everyday life of those closest to...

Register today for the 2019 American Conference for the Treatment of HIV. The conference will be from April 11-13, 2019. ACTHIV is a State-of-the-Science Conference for Frontline Health Care Professionals in Scientific Collaboration with Multiple Federal & Independent Agencies. The...