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I've had this virus nearly 11 years now and not long after diagnosis, I made it public. I'm sure a lot of those reading can relate and understand my frustration. People can make the time to make ignorant based comments...

In May 2014 I finally told my secret; I published a note called "The Hidden Truth" on facebook to inform everyone about my HIV. I had been thinking about coming out of the closet for many years and that day...

There is a moment of clarity in some things. It's a crystal clear picture. You can can see yourself as if you were in portrait mode. It's like that moment you put a quarter in an arcade pinball machine. You're...

Do you struggle with self-confidence? I know I do. It usually doesn't matter how good or even trained I am at something, I'm still always doubtful of my abilities to do the best job, or sometimes even an adequate job...

May 23, 2021 marked five years that I've been living with HIV. It honestly doesn't even seem like it's been that long, but when I look back to all that led to that very day, it all stemmed from the...

I'm a neurodivergent mama raising two beautiful children who mean the world to me. I've been living with HIV nearly 11 years now and it hasn't slowed me down one bit. Why Malina wants to be part of A Girl...

Hello and welcome to anyone who is ready to talk I'm here.

I have been HIV positive since 2016, almost five years. When I thought about sharing my story and status publicly, I knew I would eventually attend conferences where I could meet many other amazing women living openly with the condition...

Hi ladies, it's been a long while since I've checked in or written on my blog. Life's been busy, a lot of things have changed for me. Things I thought I would never see. I was 18 when I was...

Even when it comes to HIV and tattoos the messages are pretty mixed. Can people with HIV get tattoos? Is there a risk to a tattoo artist in inking someone who's HIV positive? Does a tattoo heal differently on someone...