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This is the final week of the #OperationGirl Charity Challenge and we're trying to raise as much money as possible for our organization to help us continue to provide access to life-saving and life-enhancing information and resources to millions of...

I just want you to know, we truly tried to keep that package from you by intercepting the gift of HIV with education, condoms, and testing. We thought if we kept the stats of transmission, and the rate of STIs...

SHORTAGE OF FIRST LINE HIV MEDICINE HITS 5K PATIENTS DELAY IN SUPPLY OF DRUGS LEADING TO CRISIS Mumbai An acute shortage of first-line HIV drugs has hit nearly 5,000 patients living with the life-threatening viral infection in the...

SHORTAGE OF FIRST LINE HIV MEDICINE HITS 5K PATIENTS DELAY IN SUPPLY OF DRUGS LEADING TO CRISIS Mumbai An acute shortage of first-line HIV drugs has hit nearly 5,000 patients living with the life-threatening viral infection in the...

September 17-19, 2014 Fort Walton Beach, FL The deadline is today, August 1st to register for the Positive Women’s Network- USA Speak Up! Summit. The Well Project is very excited and honored to be part of this amazing event, taking...

Petition by Rise Up To HIV… We, the undersigned, believe that the recent reports of derogatory songs and references to HIV that were included in Exhibit B of your investigation of the Ohio State University Marching Band are absolutely...

September 18-19, 2014 London, England via International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC), in collaboration with AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), Public Health England (PHE), the Joint United Nations Programme on...

"What kind of a mother are you," screamed a lady, "who can't even take care of a baby...sleeping all the time...kaamchor (lazy asshole)...keeping a babysitter, cook and can't even handle household chores or a husband, not to even speak...

Thursday, July 31, 2014 11am PT/12pm MT/1pm CT/2pm ET Please join Positive Women's Network-USA for an upcoming 90-minute webinar on one of their six policy priority areas: Economic Justice and Employment Rights for Women Living with HIV. Register at:

It's been a while. Lots has happened! And I'm just about to embark on a 3 week working holiday road trip and then a stay at KPS Trebullom so thought it's time to catch up and share. It's all good...