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My planned activities in my role as Global Ambassador for 2016 is to bring HIV/AIDS education and information to young girls in school and out of school. My goal is to reach five thousand young girls and women by the...

May 2, 2016 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Bethel Gospel Assembly, 2 East 120th Street, New York, NY via Iris House Registration is now open for Iris House's 11th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS Summit. The 2016 Summit's...

March 21, 2016 9-10am PST / 12-1pm EST via HIVE According to the CDC, 468,000 women in the United States have indications for PrEP. How will we reach women? Who will provide PrEP for women? Join us for an interactive...

Education has helped all of us to become who we are today. In school we learn how to speak up, how to overcome hardships, and how to pursue our boldest dreams. Receiving an education empowers young people to change the...

Many transgender people come to the US to escape violence or persecution in the country where they were born only to have similar problems in the United States. It is hard at times for trans immigrants in the United States...

Muchas personas transgéneros vienen a los EE.UU. para escapar de la violencia o persecución en el país donde nacieron solo para tener problemas similares en los Estados Unidos. A los inmigrantes trans en los Estados Unidos a veces se nos...

Hi Everyone, My name is Christina and I am 39 years old. I am from a small town in South Central Kentucky. Born and raised in this area and being different affected my life at and early age. Most are...

Definitivamente el momento en el cual nos confirman el diagnóstico es el más difícil. El mundo se derrumba, las fuerzas que creías tener se te acaban de repente, todo se vuelve oscuro aun siendo un día de magnífico sol. Nadie...

Definitivamente el momento en el cual nos confirman el diagnóstico es el más difícil. El mundo se derrumba, las fuerzas que creías tener se te acaban de repente, todo se vuelve oscuro aun siendo un día de magnífico sol. Nadie...

not know what is wrong with people this is 2016 . telling people ewwww dirty . making it seem as if we deserve hiv or we are dirty i hate that word by the way clean to or saying we...