A Girl Like Me

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A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

Interested in blogging with A Girl Like Me? Fill out an application here!


United States


According to the WHO, quality of life is: "[...] the perception that a person has about their position in life within the cultural context and the value system in which they live and with respect to their goals, expectations, standards...

Tomorrow, April 18, marks my 35-year battle with #HIV! I never thought I would make it this far. Thank you to all that have helped me and taught me in this journey to be a better human being. ❤️ I...

I don't know what came over me. Here I am, an unsure, brand new mom living with HIV, holding my newly born baby in my arms, and something kept telling me, "Just do it. Just tell them." The nurse asked...

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 9:00 – 10:00am PT  |  10:00 – 11:00am MT  |  11:00am – 12:00pm CT  |  12:00 – 1:00pm ET Join The Well Project and The Afiya Center during Black Maternal Health Week 2023 for an illuminating conversation about the benefits of doula support for Black women and other birthing parents living with HIV.

I remember this special occasion as if it was today. It was my youngest sister's baptism and as my mum prepared to take a picture with my sister, I jumped up and made sure I was part of the picture...

Hello lovely people, March is always exciting for us women because is the one day in a year where women are given more attention because of International Women's Day which is always celebrated on 8 March. This year's focus is...

Writers and storytellers are among my favorite types of people. I've always had a thing for books of all kinds. I was the nerdy kid in elementary and junior high school buying ALL the books from the Scholastic Book Fairs...

I got caught up in believing I didn't deserve respect because of my past and dark parts of my identity that I tuck away and try to forget about until it's all I remember. But now I'm learning that self-acceptance...

When I was about 4 or 5 years old, some nights I used to be awakened by a mysterious swaying of the curtains in my room. Immediately, I would start seeing shapes that scared me a lot: deformed faces, threatening...

When I was diagnosed with HIV almost 17 years ago I dove head first into activism. I was angry and I needed something to do with that anger or I would have turned it onto myself. What I didn't realize...