A Girl Like Me

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A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

Interested in blogging with A Girl Like Me? Fill out an application here!


United States


I can remember meeting you at Walgreens, teaching you to text. You were such a handsome mystery… You took to me. You took me in and showed me a love I would never have imagined existed. My heart skipped like...

"Ciarra. Just sit your ass down and write." ... this is really how I be talking to myself. Cus I'm stubborn. And, apparently that soft shit don't work with me. You gotta get indignant. Yell a little bit. Not too...

As I, reflect, I am honored and privileged for the opportunity to be alive today. I am Grateful. This is the Here and Now. Sad to have known so many, that have not been granted this gift of aging. Grateful...

Didn't you always know that there were ways to call desserts vegetables? One day I explored ways to use zucchini and found Zucchini Brownies! This was an easy recipe that turned out so yummy, and yes, the three cups of...

I've been living with HIV for (going on) 22 years now. I almost can't believe it, seems like a lifetime ago. I was just 27 when I was lying in a hospital bed dying; my children were just babies. When...

I will be 64 next month and living with HIV for 36 years. I had a lot of illness at the beginning of my diagnosis in 1990 when I was only 39 years old. I thought I'd die soon and...

As a woman and mother living with HIV how do I see ageing? A lot of people are afraid of ageing, yet for me it is a very exciting journey and I am actually looking forward to getting older! So...

This month marks my 9th year of living with HIV. Wow. Wait, this month marks my 9th year of living with HIV? I had to write it again because who would ever have thought I'd be here? The wild part...

Hey sisters, just wanted to blog some encouragement. We are not what we have nor or we the STIGMA BEHIND HIV!! We are beautiful, amazing, talented, fierce, bold unapologetic woman who lives matter. Know that you diagnosis doesn't control you...

Come join my group in Facebook! I am so proud of this group that I founded around 12 years ago! It started with like 100 people and it's international and it's in English. ❤️ I also created one in Spanish...