To celebrate World Aids Day 2022, Inyambo Stars together with RBP+ (an association of People living with HIV) organized the "Stop HIV stigma show" in the commune of Gihanga on the 3rd of December. I was very privileged to support them to organise this show for the third time.
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Hearts and Minds of The Well Project is a storytelling project that shines a spotlight on some of the extraordinary individuals who have been instrumental over the past 20 years in making The Well Project the organization it is today.
The flood gates have opened and I've FINALLY had the opportunity to attend USCHA, something I've longed for since shortly after my diagnosis in 2016.
The Well Project se complace en anunciar nuestro creciente compromiso a la justicia lingüística y el lanzamiento de un boletín electrónico mensual en español que garantizará una amplia difusión de nuestros recursos en español.
This 2022 Poz 100 "spotlights the work of Latino advocates" including several of The Well Project's community members "who are making a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS."
Aprenda sobre el poder sanador de los grupos de apoyo, qué son y cómo crear uno, cómo ponerlo en marcha y cómo tratar con temas que surgen conforme crece.
Hablar con los niños sobre el VIH puede ser difícil pero importante. Obtenga algunos consejos sobre cómo compartir información adecuada sobre el VIH con los niños según su edad.
Hearts and Minds of The Well Project is a storytelling project that shines a spotlight on some of the extraordinary individuals who have been instrumental over the past 20 years in making The Well Project the organization it is today.
Growing up there were no stories about the birds and the bees, periods or HIV. These conversations were never had with my parents and so the cycle continued. This is a common theme among families of minority descent and mine was not exempt. After...
I am a 59-year-old woman. Almost 8 months ago I received an HIV-positive diagnosis. Unexpected, surprising, incomprehensible, and unfair. With these four adjectives I can describe that first impact that the diagnosis generated in me.
As the days continue to get shorter and darker, accessing my resilience is the practice that reminds me I am whole, lovable, safe, and worthy of family, community, and connection. Living from the place of hope that humanity cares and loves deeply...
The Well Project is excited to announce our increasing commitment to language justice and the launch of a monthly Spanish e-newsletter that will ensure there is wide dissemination of our Spanish language offerings.
After five years absence, this year I was finally able to visit my Motherland Burundi again. My big dream was to rejoin the school children, parents and teachers in my village Murira, part of the commune of Gihanga.
I Am U, Inc's mission is to educate and empower cisgender women who are living with HIV and those who support them through peer support, health education, and trainings to reduce HIV-related stigma.
To read in English, click here. Soy una mujer de 59 años. Hace casi 8 meses recibí el diagnóstico de HIV positivo. Inesperado, sorpresivo, inentendible e injusto. Con estos cuatro adjetivos puedo describir ese primer impacto que me generó el...