Learn why diabetes is important to people living with HIV and find out about its symptoms, blood sugar tests, treatments, and more.
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Charles Sanchez and The Well Project's stakeholder liaison, Bridgette Picou, discuss the groundbreaking work at The Well Project, challenges that all women across the gender spectrum and nonbinary folks face when it comes to HIV issues, and more.
Conozca las diferentes formas en que los científicos intentan desarrollar una cura para el VIH.
The first WRI [Women's Research Initiative on HIV/AIDS] meeting blew my mind. Different kinds of people all together in one space with a common goal – it felt more like a rejuvenation retreat than work. Everybody was there because they cared, and nobody was posturing.
Let me tell you how my HIV diagnosis led to me at New York Fashion Week. I attended my routine check-up as usual. I was triaged and after being placed in the exam room, my doctor asked to speak with my mother alone in another room. My mother returned...
Learn about CD4 cells – what they are, how HIV affects them, CD4 tests and CD4 counts, and what these mean for HIV infection and treatment.
Aprenda sobre la importancia de la adherencia, las barreras a ella y consejos para ayudarle a tomar sus medicamentos contra el VIH como se le indican, incluso cómo encontrar apoyo.
Maybe you do need to start again. I encourage you to keep trying because there is always a new day. A new moment. A new opportunity. Yes, there will be another time to try again or simply recreate a new path.
Infórmese sobre las células CD4: qué son, cómo les afecta el VIH, las pruebas de CD4 y los recuentos de CD4, y lo que significan para la infección y el tratamiento del VIH.
La raza importa cuando se trata del VIH, y no sólo para las mujeres de color. Conozca las diferencias en las tasas de VIH por raza y el porqué de estas diferencias.
Get the basics about what anemia is, what causes it, why it is of special concern to women living with HIV, and how it is diagnosed and treated.
A stable home is important for everyone's health. Learn about housing options for people living with HIV and which one might be right for you.
Obtenga información básica sobre la anemia, sus causas, por qué es una preocupación particular para mujeres viviendo con VIH, y cómo se diagnostica y trata.
Un hogar estable es importante para la salud de todos. Aprenda sobre las opciones de vivienda para personas viviendo con VIH y cuál puede ser la correcta para usted.
I would like to be a part of A Girl Like Me to show the positive side of living with HIV. I would like to be the face of inspiration to help those who struggle with stigma daily.