Yesterday, Charlie Sheen announced to Matt Lauer on the Today show that he was in fact a person living with HIV. Rumors had been circulating in the tabloids that an A-list celebrity was suspected of having HIV. Sheen had known of his status for...
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I feel very frustrated after everything I have been reading! I feel like I am preaching to the choir and our message is not being heard! We must act NOW and use this moment to educate and set the record straight! Come out of the HIV closet and let's...
Nagpur: Ms Jyoti Dhawale, commonly known as JoDha has been awarded Karmaveer Chakra Award – this time in Gold. The event will be held on 25/26/27 November 2019 at NOIDA
My first HIV related protest was in Tampa, Florida in the early 1990's. A group of us living with HIV marched down Bayshore Blvd. towards Tampa General Hospital carrying coffins, urns, and the memories of loved ones. We drew chalk bodies on the...
La violencia domestica o familiar de pareja incluye violencia psíquica, emocional, el control en una relación, la manipulación un problema grande en EEUU, sin embargo para personas que vivimos con el virus de VIH, es un mas fuerte.
A few months ago I tripped on the stairs in my house and hurt my ankle really bad. I am very clumsy and fall a lot. It doesn't help that I have arthritis and falls hurt me more than other teenagers. But this one was worse than the other times. My...
Estoy muy emocionados de anunciar que voy a estar haciendo otro Keynote (discurso como oradora principal) en El Paso, Texas! Espero poder conocer a algunos de ustedes que viven alrededor de la zona! Es en febrero 2016! María, usted ha sido invitada a...
Maria, you have been invited to the 5th Annual Cultural Competence Conference in El Paso, Texas on Friday, February 26, 2016. Texas Tech University Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Global Health… YES, it is for next year. I am pretty booked until...
Coinciding with National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Greater Than AIDS today launched Empowered: Women, HIV and Intimate Partner Violence to bring more attention to the issues and provide resources for women who may be at risk of, or dealing with, abuse and HIV.
What a proud moment when I was selected to be a part of the very deep campaign for Greater than AIDS for women, HIV, Trauma, Domestic violence and Intimate partner violence.
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and The Well Project is dedicated to raising awareness about the intersection of violence, trauma, women, and HIV, and helping end violence against women living with HIV. What is the connection...
In my home state of Arkansas, in the capital city of Little Rock, on October 11, 2015 the city held its annual Gay Pride.
So as I was testing the other day, I was able to educate an individual about the choices they have been making. Hmmm, let's see, sexual encounters with over 30 individuals in the last 30 days without…did I mention without a condom? How do you awaken...
The Well Project interviews Tiommi Jenae Luckett, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger.
La visita del Papa a EE UU trajo gran acogida y atención mundial, sin embargo en que y como podemos asociar esta visita con las temáticas del VIH.