Fact Sheets A-Z

Woman sitting down talking with her healthcare provider.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a woman living with HIV who is either single or in a same-sex relationship, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024

Learn how smoking and using tobacco affects your HIV, the ways it can hurt your health, and the good news about getting help with quitting.

Submitted on Apr 26, 2023
Woman using a smartphone on social media with emoji reactions floating out of phone.

Get tips on talking to the media as well as the best ways to use social media in advocacy around HIV/AIDS.

Submitted on Aug 21, 2023
 Varias manos de diferentes tonos de piel saliendo de un círculo, superponiéndose en el centro.

Learn about the healing power of support groups - what they are and how to set one up, get it going, and tend to issues as the group grows.

Submitted on Nov 16, 2022
Person's hands holding pills in one and a glass of water in the other.

Get the information you need when starting treatment – choosing a drug regimen, adherence, resistance, taking your pills, side effects, and more.

Submitted on Jun 19, 2023

Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.

Submitted on Jun 26, 2023
Silhouette of back of person in seated yoga pose near sea at sunset.

Learn about common signs and causes of stress, how stress affects women living with HIV, and how to reduce and cope with stress in your life.

Submitted on Jun 28, 2023
Woman sitting looking out the window crossing her arms around herself.

Learn about substance abuse, dependence, and addiction, how they can affect you, how to know if you have a problem, and what to do.

Submitted on Jan 2, 2024
3d illustration of a syphilis pathogen.

Learn about syphilis, a treatable sexually transmitted infection that can lead to severe illness if left untreated.

Submitted on Jan 8, 2024

Talking with children about HIV can be tough but important. Get some tips on how to share age-appropriate information about HIV with kids.

Submitted on Nov 16, 2022


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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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