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Let me Live

Submitted on Jun 6, 2011 by  sharonm10

I received the news that I have been accepted do my Masters degree. I was excited beyond words. As I shared these wonderful news with a close friend of mine I could not help but notice the worry in her eyes. She tells me, you are doing too much! I don't think you will be able to handle the stress in your condition, slow down she said.

It was like somebody has punched the wind out of my tummy. This is one more step of victory for me, I am not a victim. How do I show the world that I am 'normal' human being who happens to have HIV. I am not fragile, I am able.

'I have the courage to live. Please let me live, let me live.'


Submitted by Vickie

Congratulations! I am a 26 year HIV survivor and last year finished up two Master's degrees. Never let HIV stand in the way of your dreams. It is a lot of hard work but well worth it. Remember to take care of yourself; you can always attend part time!

You will do an amazing job. Thank you friend for her concern and reassure her that you can do anything anyone else can do.

I believe going to school and having goals is a great thing for people with any illness. It gives us hope!

Submitted by sharonm10

Vickie you are right having goals gives me something to focus on
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Submitted by mandywebb66

Congratulations on being accepted for your Masters, your friend is only worried and cares about you. Do as much as you can when you can and if you need to have a rest,then have a rest. You are Victorious and a Survivor and carry on with your goals and LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE ....Take care on this long and sometimes scary journey
Best Wishes Mandy :)

Submitted by bee2art

Congratulations! You will be fine, just keep in mind the balance you need - body, mind, spirit. Challenging the mind is healthy and that kind of stress is healthy! You are strong in spirit, this I know because you did the work to be accepted into the program. Keep your body healthy with good food and exercise and you will soar! Best of everything to you and don't feel bad, your friend loves you and is concerned for your health. Peace and love, bee2art

Submitted by celina5000

Super congratulations on your acceptance! And for giving me an idea; I've been moping about wondering what to do that would be of benefit.....going back to university; taking a course. How did I miss that one? I'm a teacher and I love school; I can start a course and follow it as best I can.

Thank God for your blog! peace, Gisele

Submitted by Vickie

Go for it! Just listen to your body and your doctor. I just got my BA last year at the age of 54, while working more than 30 hours a week and taking 4 classes at a whack. It's worth it! Who knows what other doors will open for you?

Submitted by sharonm10

Angie, thank you! You give me hope.
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Submitted by Vickie

Well done!!! I am really pleased for you!!! YOU ARE ALIVE AND YOU DESERVE TO FULFILL YOUR DREAMS - JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE - WITH HIV OR NOT!! Well done for having the guts and courage to continue living. People seem to think once you have an Hiv diagnosis that should be the end of you. Good on you for not allowing hiv define the person you are/the person you can be!!! Go out into the world and fulfill your potential!! I too have dreams that I am desperately holding on to - people sometime think I am crazy when I tell them about my dream - I too sometimes think I am crazy for even daring to dream of such!! But I refuse to allow hiv to put me in a corner and say " You Can't". So once again well done for daring to follow your dream and saying "Yes I Can"!

Big Hugs Hxxxx

Submitted by joyaloyo

The sky is the limit for anyone that choses to even with HIV. I know for a fact that you may get better grades than many of the others so go for it and let no body stop you. a few years from now you will still be here, stronger and you know what? with a Masters to your name! i Intend to do the same next year!

Submitted by Vickie

i just want to say i am impressed and inspired to read you ladies, i just met maria and started reading this site, im pos 15 years and seeing the 2 masters degress and the ba degrees gives me inspiration! than you for posting, steve

Submitted by Vickie

Thank you for inspiring me, i am busy with my b comm accounting degree and found out in 2007 that i was hiv positive. i am now on arv and i must admit that they and god saved my life

Submitted by Vickie

Congratulations! Let your friend understand that HIV has only affect your IMMUNITY not your HUMANITY. Let him know that HIV person is not a sick and weak person you may even be stronger than he do. Go on with your dream you are like any other person. Don't allow HIV to deprived you of your right. Keep on moving you are still the same person before and after the test nothing has change in you except your weak immune system which can be boosted.



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