Hi! This my first time on...

Hi! This my first time on this forum and I really need help please. My roommate I'm sure is infected with HIV or aids and does not tell me. She is also very mean to me. If she does she will give it to me I'm sure she will infect me. Can anyone help me? What should I do?




Submitted by katie06

Hi! You probably don't need to worry about getting HIV from your roommate, unless you are sharing needles or having unprotected sex together. HIV cannot be transmitted through coughing, sneezing or even toilet seats. If you have any other questions about transmission, I'd be happy to help :)

Submitted by katie06

you don't need to leave simply because you think your roommate has HIV.  However, you also mentioned that she's mean to you. If that's true, you may have to find housing elsewhere or try to talk to your roommate about how they make you feel. 

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

Hello I have been HIV positive for more than 27 years! My wife is HIV negative and remains negative and this is being very intimate! you cant get HIV from tears,hugs,sharing the same bathrooms,utensils,kisses,tears,sweat,sharing same towels ( even though for hygene we should not share towels) you need to get educated on the subject and you came to the right place


love and light


Maria Mejia


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