I just found out im HIV+....

I just found out im HIV+..and i dont know what to do???please help



1 comment

Submitted by The Well Project

Thank you for writing. I'm sorry that you recently learned you are living with HIV; that can be very difficult news to hear. For information and support, I encourage you to look at these articles on our website:

and to reach out on our forums.

Finally, there are so many amazing women living with HIV who are living their dreams and writing about it on our blog, A Girl Like Me. I'm so glad you found our site. You are not alone.



Web Coordinator, The Well Project


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

Did you just test HIV+?

Newly diagnosed with HIV and not sure what to do? You are not alone.

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