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Life is Precious

Submitted on Jan 15, 2010 by  katie06

As I sit here today, I am reminded of how precious life truly is for each of us.  A recent tragedy in the family resulted in the all-too-soon death of a child from an automobile accident and the horrors of the earthquake in Haiti have made me realize that I am so blessed.

I have been reminded of how short life can be and that we must appreciate each and every day.  I must thank God for what I have and not worry so much about what I want.

While I sometimes struggle with my positive status, I am still very blessed to be alive.  In my time here on Earth, I have been given the opportunity to be a daughter, a sister, a wife, and most importantly, a mother.  When I reflect on these great roles, I am so grateful for the oppourtunities I have had!

Submitted by katie06

You are certainly not crazy! You're a woman, you're a fighter and you're a survivor! You are educating yourslef which is the most powerful tool you can have!

HIV is something that you may never know when or where you were exposed and became infected. However, the fact remains, that it happened. The only thing you can do at this point is accept the diagnosis, educate yourself and live life to its fullest!

When to start medication/treatment is such a difficult decision. I completely get that. I too am on the verge of starting meds. My doctor has said to "start thinking about it." But I'm scared, just like you. But I also want to do everything in my power to live the life I was given and to provide the best life possible to my child. Part of that inlcudes ensuring that I'm around to love and support him.

Submitted by marcia

Hi girl, thx i feel much beta. One thing am struggling with is that my boyfriend of 5yrs is negative. At times am ok, but sometimes it takes it's toll on me. Do u thnk am crazy? Is it possible that i cud have been having it years back? My count is at 380 am still waiting for the current results? Other docs say start immediately others say wait.That's da confusing part. Much blessings.

Submitted by marcia

Hi there gud people, am a 30 yr old girl

I have just been diagnosed almost a year ago. Most of the time i am confident and knnow that it's up to me to choose to be ignorant and die of HIV. I know that God would not have allowed this to happen to me or to anyoneelse if He diidnt know that we can handle it. The one thing i am not sure of is starting treatment, i simply hate pills and i think i cant handle the side effects. I had my tests done last year in December and am gonna draw strenght and call my health care provider to check my CD4 count. Please advise girls, there are several people that are not on treatment and are doing well. I am still feeling healthy, please advise before i self-destruct.

Hey never be discouraged no matter what? I know it's not easy. The reason ur holding on proves u cn overcome.

Submitted by katie06

Well I havn't begun medication yet either, but that's because it hasn't been recommended yet. My husband has started treatment, as his numbers were worse than mine. He was terrified since we were newly diagnosed and they wanted to start treatment. We had been told once you start, you can't stop.

But his doctor explained that your body is constantly fighting this disease, even though we feel healthy, our body is fighting. The meds help you fight. They make it easier for your body.

If you're scared of the side effects, simply express your concern to your doctor. They should be able to help you. My husband hardly has any side effects, only some vivid dreams and a little dizziness/hazy feeling when he wakes in the morning.

You have to decide what is right for you and I hope your decision comes as easily as possible! God bless!


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