I've learned a sex conversation before sexual intimacy is so much more than my HIV status. If a man isn't open to STD testing and condoms in the initial phase of dating, they are in denial about sexual intimacy responsibility and not boyfriend material.
Positive Sunbeam's blog

Since becoming public with my HIV status just this last fall, I find myself in a place of discovery. What does my life look like without keeping HIV a secret?

I don't consider myself old at age 62 and I am aware that my decades are lessening. With family health crises and deaths in my circle of friends this season, the epiphany that life could change in an instant triggered an aspiration to live closer and be a part of my son's adult life.

As the days continue to get shorter and darker, accessing my resilience is the practice that reminds me I am whole, lovable, safe, and worthy of family, community, and connection. Living from the place of hope that humanity cares and loves deeply, while respecting Mother Earth’s abundance and grace brings tenderness to my heart. This morning I see the beauty of sunrise outside my window and relish how the light peaks through billowing clouds after a much needed Autumn Storm. Leaves are changing colors painting our valley with a palate of vibrancy that brings an appreciation of nature and her...

I am understanding the trauma I have experienced and how it has affected me. I have done nothing wrong, there is no one to blame. Life circumstances create opportunities for personal growth.

I have been mostly isolated with my HIV status and now welcome my commitment of integrating life experience to be an advocate voice to end HIV stigma.