

The flood gates have opened and I've FINALLY had the opportunity to attend USCHA, something I've longed for since shortly after my diagnosis in 2016.

Submitted on Nov 29, 2022

I remember attending USCHA in 2016 and feeling out of place, unsure of my next moves, and feeling defeated in all aspects of my life. I remember being ready to give up and walk away from HIV work FOREVER (please insert Cardi B voice) because I just didn't think I had anything left to offer.

Submitted on Oct 21, 2022

Last weekend I got the pleasure to present at the Let's Talk About Sex Conference out in Dallas, Texas with Olivia Ford.

Submitted on Sep 20, 2022

Para leer este blog en español, presione aquí. "I'm scared" I've lost count of the number of times I've heard that blunt phrase from people that I tell that I'm a seropositive woman. Hidden behind...

Submitted on Feb 7, 2022

"Tengo miedo" Ya perdí la cuenta de las veces que he escuchado esa frase contundente por parte de personas a las que les comparto que soy mujer seropositiva.

Submitted on Feb 3, 2022

If you can read this, or let someone read it to you, and you are sexually active – and you don't know your status or the status of your partner(s), you are at risk for HIV. Yes, YOU TOO! Woman, man...

Submitted on Jan 31, 2022

I honestly can't get over how entitled and disrespectful and disappointing some Black men continue to be. You have the audacity to call me your baby to get me in bed but would not defend me if I was...

Submitted on Dec 6, 2021

This month marks my 9th year of living with HIV. Wow. Wait, this month marks my 9th year of living with HIV? I had to write it again because who would ever have thought I'd be here? The wild part is...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2021

I filled out a questionnaire today. It was about wise words that I would offer to someone newly diagnosed with HIV. It's interesting to me to see how my perspective has changed over the years and how it's stayed the same.

Submitted on Jul 29, 2021

I've had this virus nearly 11 years now and not long after diagnosis, I made it public. I'm sure a lot of those reading can relate and understand my frustration.

Submitted on May 30, 2021


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