pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


Why is HIV/AIDS considered one of the most dreaded infections that exist? Not only other people fear us, but we begin fearing ourselves-- What if we spread this disease to somebody else? We would...

Submitted on Dec 11, 2012

I remember when I was first diagnosed. I was court ordered to go to rehab. It was either that or face jail time. I didn’t want to be there and just wanted to do my nine months, graduate and leave. I...

Submitted on Dec 5, 2012

Life has been such a paradox. A few years ago I woke up to a nightmare when I found out I was positive. However this nightmare made me more determined than ever to make my dream come true. My dream...

Submitted on Oct 25, 2012

At age twenty five I decided to go back to college. I enrolled to an HBCU and majored in Sociology. I loved my major and made the Dean’s list every semester. In addition to being in school full time I...

Submitted on Oct 16, 2012

My marriage is falling apart. I’m not going to deny it any longer. Not only must I consider all of the typical issues when contemplating divorce (like where will I live, how will I pay for everything...

Submitted on Oct 12, 2012

Now on to the next hurdle I have had to face. This one hits my heart!!!! My 13 year old daughter has been riding the bus and staying the night often with her best friend who has severe OI (brittle...

Submitted on Oct 5, 2012

Hi everyone, we hope that you take a few minutes to complete this survey! It will really help us improve the resources we provide! Thank you!! Krista

Submitted on Oct 5, 2012

Sonya posted a new blog What Could it Be? on A Girl Like Me’s “Voices from our Allies” page: I really wonder why people are so quick to attend a baby shower vs. attending an HIV Awareness/Testing...

Submitted on Oct 3, 2012

I really wonder why people are so quick to attend a baby shower vs. attending an HIV Awareness/Testing Event. It blows me away to know that we are willing to bring a gift of diapers, play games and...

Submitted on Oct 2, 2012

I read a statement earlier this week that has stuck with me ever since. It said "Perhaps we as humans are like plants, the moment we cease to grow is the moment we begin to die."

Submitted on Sep 7, 2012


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