Maria's blog


I want you all to see the lack of education that is out there! This is why it is important to show our faces and come out of the dark! This is a human condition that is 100% preventable and as I...

Submitted on Mar 21, 2017

Well, where do I start? I have been going through a rollercoaster for some years now. Every time that it seems I am on the road to healing and stability something happens!

Submitted on Feb 15, 2017

What a whirlwind these past months have been!! I want to start by thanking The Well Project for helping me attend so many of these very important events, conferences and summits!

Submitted on Nov 3, 2016

Saben por años y años le he preguntado a mis médicos la misma pregunta? Por qué, si soy indetectable por 17 años ya y todos estos años, mis cd4s nunca se aumentan a niveles buenos? Hago todo lo...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2016

You know, for years and years I have asked doctors the same question??? Why, if I have been undetectable for 17 years and do everything humanly possible to raise my T-cells by being SUPER adherent and...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2016

I urge everyone to move your bodies, work out! This has made me stronger! It takes my anxiety away! My Depression has not resurfaced since I started on May 26th! I urge everyone to find their own way...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2016

Una muy Real Conversación con mi Madre y mi tía sobre el VIH y como ellas tomaron la noticia en aquellos tiempos el Estigma y lo que era mi sentencia de muerte en esa época.

Submitted on Aug 1, 2016

A very real conversation with my mother and aunt about HIV and how they dealt with my disclosure, stigma and the death sentence HIV was in those times...

Submitted on Aug 1, 2016

Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV / AIDS ... to have someone who loves you and can see you beyond the disease

Submitted on May 18, 2016

El amor, qué hermoso es! Esto es tan importante para las personas que viven con el VIH / SIDA tener a alguien que te ame y puede ver más allá de la enfermedad, es decir si son VIH negativas...

Submitted on May 10, 2016


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