HIV side effects, treatment


I've spoken briefly about finding out I was living with HIV when I got pregnant with my daughter, but I haven't really spoken on the entire experience. Although I have come to terms with my status and...

Submitted on Apr 16, 2021

12 years, 10 months. Approximately 4,687.27 days. A few drug regimens. Stigmatizing traumas. A HIV- negative child. What feels like 1,000 and 1 doctor's appointments. 502 stabs to my left arm. Because...

Submitted on Apr 15, 2021

I recently took an impromptu trip to the Dominican Republic for some R&R with my girls! And while COVID is still very much a factor, I just kept repeating YOLO in my head.

Submitted on Mar 31, 2021

The week of March 6 – March 10, 2021 I had the privilege of attending the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). This was my first time attending this conference, a conference made up of researchers, scientists, community members, and others.

Submitted on Mar 23, 2021

I just attended my first CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections). It was also my first virtual conference and my first conference since the quarantine apocalypse began

Submitted on Mar 18, 2021

Today is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD), a very important day for us women living with the human condition of HIV.

Submitted on Mar 10, 2021

Hoy es el Día Nacional de Concientización sobre el VIH/SIDA en las Mujeres y Niñas (NWGHAAD, en inglés), un día muy importante para nosotras, las mujeres viviendo con la condición humana del VIH.

Submitted on Mar 10, 2021

As I shared in Rollercoaster, as a long term diabetes survivor, I have been dealing with many health challenges alongside HIV during the difficult year 2020.

Submitted on Feb 24, 2021

My dear lovely people living with HIV, I am not sure if we all know what U=U means. If not, I am always glad to explain it once again as it is really important to know U=U and how it can help to break...

Submitted on Jan 19, 2021

Hello Queens! We are off to a new start! 2021 on deck! Heeeeyyyyy nowwwww! Rock with it! Do your dance with it! Snap your fingers to it! Tip your champagne glass and shake your shimmy Girl! Toast to a new year.

Submitted on Jan 7, 2021


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