HIV side effects, treatment


This is my message to the whole world and what world AIDS day means to me. I also talk about some of the highlights and accomplishments of this year in regards to HIV/AIDS. Mi mensaje para el mundo...

Submitted on Nov 29, 2012

This month of November and this Year of 2012 is my 10 th Anniversary of being diagnosed HIV Positive. Back in 2002 when I was finally diagnosed, I never thought I would be living 10 years on? Just...

Submitted on Nov 26, 2012

Everyone asks me what’s my secret behind my proactivity in life. How do I manage to work 9 hours a day in office, yet find time for friends? How do I balance my official work to that of Activism? How...

Submitted on Nov 5, 2012

Life has been such a paradox. A few years ago I woke up to a nightmare when I found out I was positive. However this nightmare made me more determined than ever to make my dream come true. My dream...

Submitted on Oct 25, 2012

Reading the article on PrEP ( Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis) on The Well Project website, it made me think of a situation I had the other day. For those of you that don’t already know, I am in Nursing...

Submitted on Oct 19, 2012

I was diagnosed June 2011 and ever since my diagnosis, my CD4 has been deteriorating. I was sitting at 393 and my current count is 330. My doctor suggest I start considering taking ARVs. I'm just so...

Submitted on Oct 18, 2012

Hi everyone- :) Below is a bilingual video of my partner, Lisa, and I describing another one of the healthy juices we make--this one is a detox juice. I also talk about the vitamins and supplements I...

Submitted on Oct 15, 2012

Let’s admit it…I have had my bad days MORE than my good days. Days when I feel down, I feel blue, I feel weepy and burst into tears. I love life so much and live each and every moment, every second of...

Submitted on Oct 15, 2012

Now on to the next hurdle I have had to face. This one hits my heart!!!! My 13 year old daughter has been riding the bus and staying the night often with her best friend who has severe OI (brittle...

Submitted on Oct 5, 2012

Hi everyone, we hope that you take a few minutes to complete this survey! It will really help us improve the resources we provide! Thank you!! Krista

Submitted on Oct 5, 2012


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