HIV prevention


Hey, I'm Mandy, 32 year old from Charleston,SC. I was Diagnosed on August 28, 2015. I would like to share my story of how I became HIV positive. I met a guy online off one of the dating sites and we...

Submitted on May 3, 2016

Soy María Mejía. Estoy aquí como un ejemplo vivo de que el VIH / SIDA no es el fin!

Submitted on Mar 24, 2016

I am Maria Hiv Mejia-Laing. I am here as a living example that HIV/AIDS is not the end!

Submitted on Mar 24, 2016

My planned activities in my role as Global Ambassador for 2016 is to bring HIV/AIDS education and information to young girls in school and out of school.

Submitted on Mar 19, 2016

Sometimes, I just have to take a break as an HIV Educator & Tester, and reassess Life! I feel like we are losing people at an all-time high, but as an HIV Educator & Tester I find that there are a lot...

Submitted on Mar 6, 2016

This blog was translated from Spanish. Read the original, "Chicas como YO" here. On the 10th of February at the White House in Washington DC, over 20 TransAdvocates / Activists from around the country...

Submitted on Feb 23, 2016

El pasado 10th de Febrero en la Casa Blanca en Washington DC se reunieron mas de 20 TransAdvocates /Activistas de todas partes del país. Tuve la oportunidad de asistir a esa reunión como representante...

Submitted on Feb 23, 2016

I live in the basement: the lowest floor of the social systems we have here in America. Above me live the middle-class: not concerned with the trials of the lower class; the privileged: living in a...

Submitted on Feb 12, 2016

"I am a woman born on the soil of New York City, who entered her adolescence in the less-populated rural region of the state of Georgia. Such duplicity has been the standard of my life, being also...

Submitted on Feb 5, 2016

You know, it is so hard for some people to talk about HIV! It's like if they even talk about it, they fear others will think they have it! I AM SO TIRED OF THE SHAME AND STIGMA of this human condition...

Submitted on Feb 1, 2016


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