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HIV discrimination


Dear Healthcare Provider, I know my HIV medication is keeping me alive. I know how important it is. I know it's working against my virus and keeping me from getting sick. But like most people I had to...

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¡NO estoy tratando de ofender a nadie ya que todos saben que tengo peces más grandes para freír!

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I am NOT trying to offend anyone as you all know I got bigger fish to fry!

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There are days when I really wonder why it is so hard to educate people about HIV.

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One day in 2013, I wrote these words in a journal, "Don't you wish a rapper would offer up a hip-hop version or critique of the latest Supreme Court antics surrounding the Voting Rights Act?" After...

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I don't even want to do this. I'm so selfish which makes understanding me difficult. I am also selfless to a fault. I draw lines. So enough about me. I wrote a blog a while back. Since I was nineteen...

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I am #HIVpositive since 2005 due to medical negligence. I have been stigmatised, discriminated, hated, shunned and even ostracised. All because of my SILENCE. And FEAR.

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Each day we make thousands of tiny decisions that impact our day, our week, our year, and maybe even our life.

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A couple of weeks ago, I attended a community town hall meeting hosted by a local AIDS organization via Facebook live.

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"Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined." –Toni Morrison. When I ran across this quote I felt it was appropriate to tie into what I experienced during this year's AIDSWATCH, because it...

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