Heather's blog


Today begins with a dance, a delicious duet between my anxious twinges and relatively dark depression. The audience on the edge of their seats... who will take the lead? Will she weep on the ground or work diligently to steady gasping breaths in the corner of the room?

Submitted on Jan 25, 2021

Today I cried. In unison with my newly born son and toddling daughter. I sat right there on the corner of the couch and I cried, weeped even- inconsolable, exhausted, unusually heavy.

Submitted on Oct 15, 2020

On the morning of May 16th, 2016 - the first appointment with my primary care physician, I vividly recall waking up overwhelmed with new and refreshing feelings of hope. I stepped out of bed with hope...

Submitted on Jul 6, 2020

Hey all! Firstly- let me just say that I am so incredibly grateful to be part of such a strong and supportive group of women... thank you so much for having me here.

Submitted on May 11, 2020

As a new member of A Girl Like Me, my intention of joining this group was to begin sharing the story of my HIV diagnosis, how I advocated for myself and my daughter during my first pregnancy, and how I'm advocating for my current pregnancy.

Submitted on Apr 20, 2020

I'm a 28-year-old HIV-positive (since 6/6/16) female living in Natural Bridge, Virginia with my husband, my daughter, two dogs, and two cats.

Submitted on Apr 15, 2020


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