finding balance


After reading Tiommi Luckett's blog It's Time for Change I was not even a bit surprised. Yet this brings much concern to me about how all of us living with HIV, no matter our undetectable status, our...

Submitted on Sep 19, 2016

Marriage is hard work that requires two hands to clap. Right now one hand is paralysed. The one-sided relationship is not what I term as a "relationship". It's more like a person labouring hard...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2016

I urge everyone to move your bodies, work out! This has made me stronger! It takes my anxiety away! My Depression has not resurfaced since I started on May 26th! I urge everyone to find their own way...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2016

When I made the decision to get clean and sober, I found out six months later that I was HIV+. I made another decision as soon as I found out that I was not going to allow HIV to become an excuse to...

Submitted on Sep 1, 2016

I am talking directly to you advocates, bloggers, and activists. Have you honestly let yourself know you are number one in all this. If you have, how are you doing? Is the fatigue of your compassionate heart catching up on you?

Submitted on Aug 25, 2016

Hi everyone! I have something to let you all know about being proactive in your HIV care.

Submitted on Aug 23, 2016

I grieve publicly because I am too old to do it alone. Then again It could be just me...

Submitted on Aug 16, 2016

As I continue to learn myself, I continue to grow as an individual thus becoming more available as an advocate for HIV. I was picking and choosing the people I would be honest with and whom I would...

Submitted on Aug 10, 2016

My Name Is Sophie Jayawardene and this is my story.

Submitted on Aug 9, 2016

Today I want to write to those not living with HIV. I want you to know that we exist, that our diagnosis does not define us. We have the same dreams, the same desires, but for some reason our life became different.

Submitted on Aug 5, 2016


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