

Disclosing your status is very important. The laws in different states can be very tough when you don’t disclose to your partner.

Submitted on May 12, 2016

Well where do I start? It is no secret that I have been going through one of the toughest times of my life. I thought I may not be able to go, but how can I cancel when they gave me a partial...

Submitted on Sep 16, 2015

Dos importantes conferencias llegan para la comunidad de VIH residentes en EEUU, a las cuales tengo la oportunidad de asistir una en Washington DC la muy famosa USCA y la otra en Fort Walton Beach Florida... POSITIVE LIVING 18 | 2015 Annual HIV Conference.

Submitted on Sep 8, 2015

Michael Johnson is a young black man living with HIV who has recently been found guilty of recklessly infecting another person with HIV without disclosing his status. It seems befitting that I make my...

Submitted on May 27, 2015

I have written this over and over again. I was going to write about the things that disappointed me while at AIDSWATCH 2015 but I couldn't. I have no desire to put people on blast. It would not...

Submitted on Apr 24, 2015

In December of 2009...I was cold, hungry, living in my car. Rescued by AIDS Care Service on December 21, 2009, they safely housed me in one of their transitional apartments. I quickly realized I wasn...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2014

So many things to think and say. So many triumphs, struggles, accomplishments, pain, acceptance & misconceptions. I have been in a room full of women with all these issues whether they be hetero, gay, trans, or questioning, we have the same issues.

Submitted on Sep 22, 2014

As I traveled from Winston-Salem, NC to Fort Walton Beach, Florida, I had more time than anticipated to reflect on this much anticipated gathering of Sisters from across the United States. First we...

Submitted on Sep 17, 2014

Life for me and my family is a big struggle but in everything, we give thanks to God. There are so many challenges to life here in Nigeria. My daughter took ill and we could not afford to take her to...

Submitted on May 19, 2014

I’ll be the first person to admit that I am not a huge fan of Tyler Perry’s projects therefore I had no interest in viewing his newest film Temptation. Less than a week after the movie’s release, a...

Submitted on May 22, 2013


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