battling stigma


When good people do nothing and nothing blocks anything. And nothing blocks everything. My sister friends get infected. My people die. When good people, protect good people who do nothing and nothing...

Submitted on Oct 18, 2013

Editor's Note: In 2012, The Well Project was thrilled to help sponsor Caitlin Margaret Kelly's international photography project (then titled, "I am...Women Living with HIV") to be on display at the...

Submitted on Oct 3, 2013

I know most people know I have HIV...but at the same time they forget I have it, because I do not look sick. HIV has no face...think before you write me please...I have feelings! I have people telling...

Submitted on Sep 30, 2013

My apologies for taking so long to write but I set myself a project back in August and this was to go one step further with my ‘GrenAIDS’ I created last year. Those were ready-made Toy Grenades which...

Submitted on Sep 20, 2013

Greetings friends. It has been a moment since I last posted. Some would say its the Devil trying to prevent me from being heard, others might say bad Karma...Me, I just say "Its Life...and Keep it...

Submitted on Aug 28, 2013

It’s a wish of people living with HIV, those who are LGBT, and those who are living with disabilities to see things getting better for them and the next generation. I know at the end of this piece you...

Submitted on Aug 15, 2013

Many write me from all over the world with the same question...How can I be so open about having HIV? How did I get the courage to be so open?? How can they get to where I am?? My response is always...

Submitted on Aug 13, 2013

How do people claim to love women and their kids when they abuse them? That’s a question I keep asking myself but I never got the right answer for it and it really needs one good answer. Most of the...

Submitted on Jul 26, 2013

By Anonymous One year ago I left my country and flew a thousand miles all the way to Washington DC to go to the International AIDS conference. It was an unforgettable experience and one that I will...

Submitted on Jul 24, 2013

As a young woman living with HIV I have this to say: It has had a big impact on my life. At first I did not understand what HIV is, all I heard of it was a very bad killing virus and I thought I was...

Submitted on Jul 19, 2013


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